Xcalibur 90LX Parallel
The Parallel with no equal
A bold new standard in parallel stalls, offering superior design, cow comfort and efficiency.
• The Xcalibur 90LXTM incorporates all the dynamic new design and construction technologies so you can run an efficient, profitable operation 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
• Designed for quick installation by providing modularized components to the dairy site for fast, efficient assembly.
• Quality Construction that’s Easy to Install because the Xcalibur 90LX has a bolt together design that means a quick, uncomplicated installation. There is also no on-site welding of galvanized material eliminating the potential for corrosion. Directly mounted lift cylinders eliminate cables that wear out or bind over time.
• No Sequence Gate Posts facilitate easy loading for cows and unobstructed exiting from the stalls. The only posts in the ground are from the main support posts located every 4-6 cows.
• Fast Exiting because the Xcalibur 90LX has a lift exit system vs. a tilt exit system. A cow has to walk only one cow length before lowering the exit system instead of one cow length plus the added distance of the tilt exit fronts.
This means the parlor building can be up to 6 feet narrower than a tilt exit parlor and still allow the same amount of exiting space.
The Xcalibur 90LX™ is versatile, flexible and designed to fit.
Xcalibur 90LX™
• Robust, virtually indestructable
• Easy to install, low maintenance
• For new parlors or retrofits
• Faster on-site construction
• Cow-friendly entrance and exiting
• Standard or flexible cow spacing
• Patentened shoulder bumpers for cow comfort
• Design allows for easy parlor cleanup
Standard Features
• Pre-assembled vertical lift stall fronts made from hot dop galvanized steel (typically come in 8 to 14 cow sections)
• 10-guage stainless steel splash panel with extra-large gutter
• Pivoting entrance gate comes pre-assembled
• Pre-assembled cabinetry with pre-mounted detacher cylinders (typically come in 12 to 16 cow sections)
• 28-inch stall centers
Optional Features
• Individual release to easily sort cows out of a string
• Available in stall centers from 24 inches to 30 inches
• Indexing with adjustable index pressure
• Stainless steel integrated jetter curbing